What should I look for when referring clients to eating disorder programs?
Explore the resources below for guidance around residential and outpatient treatment. Please note that confidentiality is maintained regarding all examples, with identifying details changed to protect anonymity. The images within the videos are representative of the community, but do not portray actual clients.
What questions to ask residential programs
by Kayti Protos, MSW, LCSW
Selecting an outpatient team
with Stacy Hunt, PhD
(2:01 min)
Key Terms:
Gender affirming: Acknowledging and supporting the gender identity of the client and their gender discovery process
Dead name: Term for the name given at birth that is no longer used by gender diverse individuals
Health at Every Size (HAES): Focus on balanced, mindful eating and physical activity, without stigmatizing body weight, size, or shape
Blind weight: Provider places a client backwards on the scale to prevent them from seeing their weight